You are ever so fond of that randy pirate, Adam Ant. What about me, the Peacock Prince? It’s about time my Visage popped up around here. I am ready to share with you my fabulous hat-pin pearls of wisdom. And darling, I have lived. When I ran the Blitz you could only get in if you had charm beaded on your brow and a copy of Proust in your bedazzled knickers. I have also promoted parties in Ibiza, done more heroin than you have had hamburgers, and got busted shoplifting a tent. And I don’t even like to go camping. So profit from my advice, babies, and remember, the Damned Don’t Cry.
Dear Steve Strange,
A friend of mine was laid off a year ago and she never has any money to go out. At first, I generously offered to cover her. A drink here and there, her share of dinner. Nothing to win me any awards. She is making a solid effort to find a job but after a year, the “Susan tax” has become burdensome. I feel bad about cutting her off, leaving her perpetually at home with want ads and eggs for dinner. But I have my own bills to pay and besides I want to save up to go to the Caribbean this winter.
love, Alex
Dear Alex,
Far be it for me to begrudge anyone their days in the sun. When I was still riding around London in stretch limos, sharpening my fairy boots on Boy George’s insolent bottom and rinsing the cocaine from my teeth with additional cocaine, I would long for periods of sun and frolic. F#$% your friend. Charity begins at home, let it end at foreign shores. Also, your andogyny is intriguing here. I think my schedule is pretty free in February.
love, Steve Strange
Steve, please be my best friend.
Oh Licketysplit, there will always be room on the settee for you. As long as Marilyn is not passed out there.