Tag Archives: Jhonn Balance

Freunde von Mir

This was a weekend of old friends, and their new works. I went down to NYC to see an exhibition of new paintings by my old pal Chris Mir. But I am not going to review the show here, because Jerry Saltz was there, and he is far, far more clever than I. But really if you are in Chelsea, look for yourself at Rare. They were nice enough to give us an open vodka bar at a nearby snazzateria.

Welcome to the World of What I Did this Weekend. At the opening I ran into a few of my thesis mates from the Old School. I was very excited to see them for the first time since we popped our corks in ’99. I had an Outfit. I also kept the company of my old pal from School and his crazy Serbian wife. He stayed with me several times in Berlin, and I stay with them often when I come to the city. I feel at home there because when I walk in, Marija shrieks, in a voice you could shave with, “ziveli! Heather is here. Now we get drunk!” I also had a lamb schawarma that was so greasy, it left me with a layer of fat paste coating my hands.

The denizens of New York expect you to justify the fact that you live elsewhere, especially if you are an artist. Who ever heard of a painter that lived in Boston? The relief is palpable when I tell them I plan to drift into the city next year. There is a lot to do in New York, and a lot of careers. Sometimes I wonder, though, if I really want to live among so many grownups. Wait, I already know the answer to that is “no!” People assure me that there are plenty of people in New York, who, like me, are Desperate, but Not Serious.


P.S. The band Coil is one of the beloved old vomitola house bands. One of the pair, Jhonn Balance, died by falling drunk from a balcony. Feel free to appreciate the irony!