Number of separate calendar days where vomiting occurred: 4
Number of times the washer and dryer were correctly delivered: 0
Number of duplicate West Elm catalogs received: 8
Amount of work billed: 3x 2004 billings
Amount actually received in 2005: ahahahahahaha
Number of gallons of non-returnable paint purchased: 9
Number of gallons actually needed: 4
Damn you: paint calculator that Mr. H made me use. I should have trusted my street math.
Weight gained: 6 pounds
Bad haircuts: 1
Dead hard drives: 1
Cracked windshields: 1
Amount the usage of “gift” as a verb annoyed me: immeasurable
Impulse real estate purchases: 1
Parasite infestations: 1
Albums purchased from iTunes Music Store: only 15!
Countries visited: France, illness Spain, click Baltimore
Existentialism: medium
Swearing: damn, a damn lot
**2006 Bonus Preview:**
Boxes of wine purchased: 1
Washers and dryers correctly delivered: 0
Boston terriers who live at my new hovel: 1
This is boring me: 72%
ONLY 4?!!! That is so NO FAIR. What kind of half-assed parasite is that, anyway??
How can you get bored with a Boston Terrier? Have you asked it who’s precious?
Amy: one of those days was from food poisoning, and one was from pre-parasite heavy drinking. The parasite and I struck a deal eventually, limiting it to gagging only.
Cara: I should clarify: I am not bored with the Boston terrier! No! Who’s a Good Dog! I am bored with my list.