
October 18, 2005

A harrowing experience at the grocery store

Today I went to the store, and there I spied an unmannerly child running around licking all the apples. Imagine the odds of finding a child beyond parental control at the grocery store.

ALEX, ALEX, DAMMIT! asked me where the carrots were, so I told him to go stand in the frozen foods cooler and wait for the next delivery. His mother started to chew me out, but then she realized she couldn't hear him from in there. I nodded cordially and pushed my cart away. I wonder if he'll ever get out?

This was all nearly as repulsive as the time I saw a mother spooning mints from a restaurant lobby communal bowl directly into her child's mouth before replacing the spoon in the bowl. There's a moral in here somewhere. Perhaps it will occur to me after a restorative nap and a fall down the stairs.